The Highways Agency has been publishing traffic information as RSS feeds for a while now, but they contain too much noise to be useful for me. My daily commute is just 28 miles to work and back, I certainly don't cover the entire East of England so a lot of the alerts are of no interest to me.
With Yahoo Pipes, I can filter out the noise to leave just the incidents that I might be interested in. To start with, here's a simple pipe to cut down the alerts to just those with "A14" in the title: A14 traffic news.
Getting a bit fancier, I can extract the Latitude and Longitude of the incident from the link given in the Highways Agency feed, which means Yahoo Pipes can display a map showing all the A14 traffic events together. Much more relevant to me.
Not everyone has to negotiate the A14 every day though (lucky folks!), so I made a pipe that gathers all the Highways Agency information feeds together and then filters by anything you want, so you can get a map of all current traffic incidents for the M25 (usually a nice circle of red dots around London).
By filling in the filter field yourself, you can get a map of whatever you like, such as traffic incidents in Cambridgeshire or Cornwall.
Unfortunatley, the Highways Agency only provides traffic feeds for England. Neither Traffic Scotland nor Traffic Wales seem to provide useful feeds like this, so I can't make a pipe to cover the rest of the UK.
Hope someone finds it useful.
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